ARS Set-up and wInquiry Quick Steps

Setup and Test the Hardware

  1. Set up ‘tech’ table with computers – both primary and back-up computers
  2. Run and test video and audio feeds to A/V supplier – both primary and back-up computers
  3. Set up and test response system. With wireless systems, it is best to place the interface unit at a location at the side of the room, as elevated as possible. Set-up wireless antenna extensions and test the range on the wireless keypads by walking the perimeter of the room with a keypad and punching in responses to see if they are collected across the room. It is not necessary to have the interface connected to the computer to conduct this test. The communication tested here is between the keypad and the interface.
  4. Run diagnostic map on the computer while setting out and testing all individual keypads to ensure communication of keypads is passing through to the serial port. Also, after testing all keypads, reset map and test for interference by leaving the map up for a while without pressing any keypads. You should not see any “sporadic” data come up on the map.

    Note: See wireless hardware manual and/or ARS website ( for troubleshooting tips if needed. Telephone technical support is available as necessary. For assistance after office hours, leave a message at ext. 35.


How to run the diagnostic map

  1. Left click on your session folder (monitor symbol) that you want to run reports on.
  2. Access the diagnostic map by left-clicking on the System diamond.
  3. Right click for the list of options and select diagnostics by left-clicking on that option
  4. Select the map option by left clicking on it.
  5. Press any key (1-0) on each keypad and see the response pressed appear on the screen to verify that each keypad is working properly.

    Note: If the LED on the keypad blinks slowly (once every 2 seconds), try moving the keypad to another location in the audience, or closer to the interface.If the LED on the keypad does not light or blinks rapidly when a button is pressed, change the 9V battery inside the keypad, then retest.

How to Create and Run a Session in wInquiry

After your qbase is created – remember that the qbase is your set of questions to use – the session is the actual polling of the set of questions and where results will be stored for reporting.

  1. In wInquiry, left click on the project folder (yellow folder) which contains the qbase/set of questions that you will be using for your presentation.
  2. Right-click to see the list of options. Select ‘New Session’ to create a new session (presentation/polling/results saving).
  3. Enter a name for the session that will be meaningful for your results (e.g.: Sales Training Team One 12-15-01) and left click the OK button.
  4. Input information about the session if desired. Required field is qbase. Left click in the qbase field and it will provide you with the list of qbases in your project folder from which you have to choose. Select the qbase you will use for this session and click the OK button.

    Note: If you are going to be using the dual polling feature – allowing two people to share a keypad, you will also need to click in the check box at the bottom right of the session information labeled dual poll. Once you begin the session as dual poll, you can not switch back. You will need to create another new session.

  5. At this point you can either hit the save button to save the information and run the session later, or you can begin the session by clicking on the “Begin a New Session” button.
  6. Once a New Session Begins, the Logo Screen designated under the qbase preferences as Logo 1 will display. If no logo screen is indicated, the primary color under the background displays – usually black.
  7. To poll each question, hit the Enter key (single or dual screen mode) or Proceed button (dual screen mode) to display the first question.
  8. Moderator should read the question and possible answer choices aloud.
  9. Start the countdown timer/polling period by hitting the enter key or poll button. Countdown is ended by the timer, end of avi file or ESC key being hit by the operator for infinite polls.

    Note: Monitor results coming in by using the “KP monitoring” and/or “Live Tally” during the session. KP monitoring allows the operator only (in dual screen mode) to review # of keypads responding. Live Tally displays the number of keypads responding in the bottom left corner.

  10. Usually, graphic results are displayed – depending on how your qbase is set up, this may be automatic or may require a keystroke. Graphic results are optional and may be surpressed with a checkbox on your edit qbase page for each question. Also depending on how your qbase is set-up, you may be highlighting a correct answer prior to showing graphic results.
  11. Advance through the session with the enter key or proceed button to the end of session. To end the session, hit the done button (dual screen mode) or CTRL-X (single screen mode) to end the session.

    TIPS: Quick keyboard commands when in single screen mode. Review help file – search for keyboard
    – Use Q key or right and left arrow keys on keyboard to advance or go back a question.
    – G to Re-display a graph if you hit Enter before they are done reviewing
    – ALT-B and G to change display from % to tally and back again.

    Note: After rehearsing with your presenter, create a new session to prepare to run polls and save results for the actual event. Don’t forget to proof and test all content and software settings – order of questions, number of choices, correct choice, spelling, question weight, etc.


How to print reports/export data after the session

  1. Left click on your session folder (monitor symbol) that you want to run reports on.
  2. Right click to get the menu of options. Select Print Reports.
  3. Reports dialog is displayed. The left side of the screen has the session information and a box that lists all questions that were polled in the session. Select the questions you wanted reported or click on the ‘All’ button to the right of the question list.

    Note: Remember to de-select any questions that you do not want reported – for example, if you started a poll too quickly and re-asked the question, you may want to just report the results from the second poll.

  4. Select the report you want to run from the drop-down menu on the upper right part of the screen. Click the report button on the lower left of the screen.

    Note: The favored report is the Combined report. It reports the question in a nice format with the frequency and percentages for each question. The Session Summary Report is also good to run if you want to report the average and standard deviation on a set of questions. There are a number of reports available to meet specific needs.

  5. The print dialog screen displays. Make sure the proper printer is selected and click Okay.
  6. If there are still reports you need, or if you want to take the data and import to a spreadsheet or database, then select the export button on the bottom right of the reports dialog box. You will be prompted to specify the output type and file delimiters you want to use. Select your preference and then click the export button. You will be prompted for a file name and location to save the file – type the name and click the save button – default save location is within you’re your wInquiry project folder. Data is exported to the file.
  7. Once all reports are complete, exit the reports menu by clicking done on the bottom left.